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StackMatch, 3000W, 2 antennas, wide band

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195 Eur
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  • Overview

SM3kW series of Stacking Switches

Wide band Stacking switch SM3kW2-WB


Multiplexer technology ready ©

Non used ports loaded to 50 ohms resistors.

Can be used in building high power matrix multiplexer distribution systems.

Band: 7-30 Mhz (any other freq.range on request)
≤ 0,05 db at 30MHz
00W at 1,5 : 1 SWR
Any combination of antennas:
  Default position is both antennas ON
  To switch Amtenna #1 - 12Vdc (24Vdc on request) Pin#1
  To switch Amtenna #2 - 12Vdc (24Vdc on request) Pin#2
Control voltage: 12Vdc

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